Eli Simone Matchmaking and Coaching

Why Am I Still Single??


It seems as though the grass is always greener on the other side. When you’re single, all you see are happy couples who are madly in love or just got engaged. While we are happy for them, that nagging gremlin in our head begs the question, “Why am I still single?” What does he or she have that I’m missing???

Well, the answer may be more disturbing than we care to admit. For a good number of folks who WANT to be in a relationship, single people stay single because they are getting in their own way.

In our first episode of “Matchmaker Musings”, we get straight to the point. Why are you still single, but more importantly, what to DO about it.

Here are the 3 main reasons:

1. You’re unapproachable. You’ve probably heard this from family and friends that you are a bit standoffish one time or another. You probably already know that you are, but don’t do anything about it because, well…that’s just the way you are. Changes are though, that’s really keeping you in “Singlesville”. Make a conscious effort to opening yourself up to new people and new experiences. Smile and laugh more often, make it a point to introduce yourself to someone who looks interesting while out and about. You might end up liking the results.

2. You’re flat out lazy. You just wish you had a partner without having to go through the rigamarole of going out, meeting new people, dating…sigh. It already sounds exhausting, right? Well, sorry love, that’s exactly what you’re going to have to do if you want to increase your changes of finding someone great. It doesn’t have to FEEL like work though! Pick some activities that align with what you love doing; hiking, skiing, skating, exercising, riding bikes. It is there where you will most likely find your Mr. or Mrs. Right. People who share the same goals and passions often end up together.

3. You don’t know what you’re doing. I don’t know about you, but I did not get my autographed copy of Relationships 101 in my swaddle either. A lot of folks are just going through their love life just figuring it out on their own. Good thing for you, you have a life and relationship coach on the Bat Line! Start by figuring out who you are, what is your life vision and purpose. Then, what type of relationship do you want to have? Adventure, laid back, ambitious? What are your non-negotiable values that the relationship and partner must possess? What are the emotional and functional needs that can be negotiated? Finally, what are your wants…things or characteristics that would be AWESOME, but won’t hurt or harm a solid relationship? Once you have figured that out, your job is now to stick to them when dating. Screen out those that do not fit your requirements and only pursue those that do. YOU ARE THE CHOOSER, not the chosen.

So what do you think? Doable? What are some of the reasons why you think people are still single? I’d love to hear your thoughts about that and the video!

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